This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme throught the contract Nº 662847

Intelligent Virtual Systems

for virtual reality and augmented reality

Consulting and development of

Proyects in R+D+i

Do more in less time


Do it by yourself
Factory on demand

We Implement Intelligent Virtual Systems

Products that are geared to introduce in the market new and proposed improvements in innovation that help companies devise strategies that optimize internal management, from the chain of production, sales or marketing and online marketing.

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Development of 3D projects from inception


The drafting of projects

Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscaping, Engineering, and Master planning complexes, where we use the latest in technology BIM (Building Information Modeling).

Tailored solutions for every company that needs to innovate

We offer support for the most demanding customers, seeking to differentiate themselves on the basis of strategies based on innovation and interaction with the public.

Vertical solutions

You bring value to any sector that needs cost savings in design of product or production.

Own solutions

For sectors such as upholstery, fashion, hospital, architecture and engineering.


Smart Cities project with the best technology of RA and RV


We create tools

Promotion and attractive distribution for any area within the smart cities with needs in 3d technology at the service of society.

Mobile applications based on innovation and interaction

Latest in code

Technologies Dim develop applications with the latest programming code to be compatible with the main mobile ecosystems: iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 8



Seal of excellence
Innovate SME until 2022-12
Seal of technology

Dim technologies is certified as an innovative SME by the Ministry of economy and competitiveness for the development of the VisuaLook in the framework programme of research of the Union European project, Horizon 2020.

Currently we present ourselves as a company of research and technological development in the field of communication technologies and information, our business model focuses on innovation in projects consulting, suppliers of 3D technologies and software developers.

We implement advanced virtual technologies for products and intelligent environments on application areas that need solutions management, design, cost savings, location, training and online sales.


consultoria-innova-empresas-tecnologias-dimThe company has vertical solutions that bring value to any sector you need in design of product or production cost savings.

Solutions for sectors such as upholstery, fashion, hospitable, architecture and engineering.

In Dim technologies we work with different technologies and sectors, relying on our ability to develop customized projects. However, there are situations in which our customers need a specialized solution for their sector. It is in these cases where our vertical solutions come in, fruit of the effort and prior investment, to ensure alignment of technology with the needs of the client.

In this aspect we are involved in constant development of products of RDi with enough experience to provide differential value to projects, for which we have experts in technology.

Dim technologies has a multidisciplinary team for the consultancy and development projects from inception, information and dissemination in architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, engineering, and master planning complexes, where we use the latest in technology BIM (Building Information Modeling).


This emerging methodology tries to encompass the management of all the information that is generated during the design process, from the conceptual design phase, the preliminary draft and the constructive decision-making to the more advanced phases of facility design, always with the support of 3D visualization.

We have been involved in numerous major projects, national and international, Brazil, Algeria, Morocco and Iran, are only the beginning of our internationalization.

proyectos-smart-cities-tecnologias-dimThe company has experience in the development of virtual worlds using real and simulated software modeling and animation tools to create enabling environment for the promotion and dissemination attractive to any area within smart cities technology needs to serve society.

Virtual tours are a specific category of simulation to create spaces that allow users to interact with a virtual world. In this way, the system can accept user input (for example, tracking a hospital, a museum, a reconstruction) and produce an output to the user (eg, visual, auditory, tactile display) that provides information on the virtual scene.

We have pioneered a national and international level for the virtual recreation of the hospitals Santa Lucia de Cartagena and Mar Menor San Javier, application developed with programming video games, allowing always oriented in and out of hospitals also have implanted in the area Emergency Virgen de la Arrixaca of Murcia a virtual simulation application connected to the management of the Emergency Department.

Our other reference works have been the virtual recreation of the whole event of the Volvo Ocean Race in Alicante, the reconstruction of the Basilica of Yecla, virtual recreation of the future market Rinran Gourmet Corner…etc.

Industria 4.0

We offer procedure support introducing intelligent systems which allows businesses to be connected through Virtual Simulation software solutions, Augmented Reality and Sensors and Machines organised on an automatized vertical pyramid where the sensors, simulated intelligence devices and workers will be organized by a global control system through the Industrial Internet of Things.

montaje industria 4.0

All the design, data and productive procedure’s information will be real-time efficiently organised. This allows us to shake up traditional business procedures thanks to technological tools that are on the way to become intelligent factories.



This project has received funding from the program of research and innovation
Horizon 2020 the European Union through the contract Nº 662847

Dim Technologies has counted on, for the drafting of the proposal for the SME instrument, an excellent partner, the Institute of biomechanical of Valencia, where it is also currently working to present the proposal to Phase 2.


The overall objective of TecnologiasDIM with this innovation project is the introduction in the market of e-commerce outfitting, a web application (VisuaLook) that allows a precise allocation of sizes and a new and realistic display system that integrates advanced technologies in the ICT field: mobile application to capture the personal ‘avatar’ (body and photorealistic Visualization 3D geometry) , virtual Tester based on web application, and ICT architecture that will support the integration and communication.

We hope to reach a market-leading position, rapidly increasing market share and company sales, driven by an innovative and competitive solution for our customers (manufacturers and clothing retailers who sell online) and a quick and easy adaptation of end users (buyers online), becoming a reference for e-commerce clothing.

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Acknowledgments and milestones

DIM technologies throughout his business career has earned accolades and awards for his work with innovative approaches in design and business development.

Prizes and awards
Projects of Dim Technologies



Ernesto Enrique Bernardeau Gutiérrez

Ernesto Enrique Bernardeau Gutiérrez


Is currently Co-founder of the company Technologies Dim S.L., and directs the Department of Technology Development

He has extensive experience in the industry, introducing new and better market proposals of innovation for companies.


Julio Bernardeau Navarro

Julio Bernardeau Navarro


His winning character and his professional talent within virtual worlds credit him as one of the best specialists in the country.

An expert in the management of programs such as 3DS Max (VRay, Mental Ray, Biped), Combustion, After Effect, Premiere, Encore, AutoCAD, Sketch-Up, Quest3D, Blitz3D, Unity, etc.

Ana María Bernardeau

Ana María Bernardeau


An Architect with a strong creative personality, his projects confirm sensitivity and good taste earning several awards in architecture design.

TR35 Spain 2012 Awards candidate, convened by Technology Review of the Institute of Massachusetts magazine.

Currently investigates the evolution of new technologies such as Virtual reality for their development in technologies Dim projects.

Equipo de Tecnologías Dim


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Sello PYME INNOVADORA 25/10/2019
Válido hasta el 25 de octubre de 2019
escudo de MINECO 25/10/2019